About Us
PT Multi Baja Fastindo
adalah distributor, retailer, dan importir dalam baut, mur dan sejenisnya
(fasteners). PT. Multi Baja Fastindo didirikan sejak tahun 1999, hingga saat
ini memiliki 6000 item lebih dengan tetap menjaga kualitas. Kami menyediakan
berbagai macam material / bahan: Baja 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, B7, Stainless Steel 304,
316, 310, 410, Besi 4.6, Nylon, PVC, Tembaga, Kuningan, A325, F10T, Galvanis,
Hot Dip Galvanis, dll. Multi Baja merupakan authorized distributor untuk baut ‘THE’
dan ‘TONG’ (baut, mur, sekrup stainless steel), Sanko (angkur ketok Jepang), WTI
(recoil dari UK), KEF (Baut Mur baja), Abloy (Kunci Gembok Security tingkat
tinggi), dan Heico (Baut Mur Anti Lepas/Longgar). Kami sangat mengedepankan
komitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan dengan kreditibilitas yang tinggi. Ini sudah
dibuktikan dengan berbagai macam customer kami mulai dari contractors
(buildings, resort, towers, dll), berbagai macam pabrik / manufaktur, industri otomotif,
minyak dan gas / oil & gas, EPC, spare parts, agrikultur, dll.
Target kami adalah menjadi leader dalam industri
baut mur dan sejenisnya yang memiliki kualitas tinggi, memberikan customer
service yang mumpuni dan dapat dipercaya dan terus berkembang.
1. Quality
Produk-produk di Multi Baja memenuhi standard internasional
(DIN, ANSI, JIS, ASTM dll). Produk kami juga teruji dan memenuhi standard
internasional untuk tensile strength, yield strength, dimensi, dan elemen kimia
bahan dasar/material. Ribuan customer sudah dapat merasakan kualitas produk
kami dibanding baut mur yang tidak tersertifikasi. Kami dapat meberikan Mill Certificate
jika dibutuhkan.
2. Customer Service
Multi Baja berkomitmen untuk memberikan service yang terbaik
dengan mendengarkan kebutuhan customer, menawarkan alternative dan solusi, dan
membangun relasi jangka panjang ke customer. Kami ingin melebihi ekspektasi
dari customer kami dengan memastikan supply chain yang lebih bauk dan lancar
untuk customer kami. Kami juga dapat menyimpan stock khusus untuk customer kami
yang membutuhkan kebutuhan rutin. Komitmen kami adalah kami menginvestasi dalam
team Multi Baja untuk dapat memberikan servis yang lebih ke customer kami.
3. Continuous
Improvement / Kaizen
Multi Baja selalu berkembang untuk menjadi lebih baik untuk dapat memberikan servis yang lebih baik dan produk-produk yang lebih bervariasi dan berkualitas.
PT Multi Baja Fastindo is a distributor, retailer, and importer in fasteners. PT Multi Baja Fastindo was established in 1999. Growing from retailer to distributor, we keep adding new fasteners (over 6000 items) and maintain our product quality. We provide fasteners form various material: Carbon steel 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, B7, Stainless Steel 304, 316, 310, 410, Mild Steel 4.6, Nylon, PVC, Brass, Copper, A325, F10T, Hot-Dip Galvanized, etc. As a result, we are appointed as the authorized distributor of ‘THE’ and ‘TONG’ (world class stainless steel fasteners manufacturer), SANKO (Japanese Anchors), WTI (British Thread Insert & Kits), KEF (Carbon Steel Fasteners), ABLOY (High Security Pad Locks), and Wedge Washers We are committed to our mission to be a company with superior credibility. Our credibility has been proved by various customers: contractors (infrastructures, buildings, resorts, towers, etc.), oil and gas, agriculture, manufacturers (used in machines and products), automotives, spare parts, and many more.
Our goal is to become leader in fasteners who provides high quality products, serve customers with great service, and continuously improve ourselves.
1. Quality
Products that we offer comply with international standards (DIN, ANSI, JIS, etc.) Our products come from legitimate manufacturers who fulfill the international standards of tensile strength, yield strength, physical specification, and material composition. Our thousands of customers have proven our quality value and trusted PT Multi Baja Fastindo as their fasteners supplier. We will never offer low quality fasteners to the customer who needs high quality one. Mill Certificates are available upon request.
2. Customer Service
We commit to give our utmost great service by understanding our customer needs, providing alternatives/solutions, and building a long-term relationship with our customers. We aim to exceed expectation to ensure better and smooth supply chain from customer side. Our commitment: We invest in best people to serve our customers.
3. Continuous Improvement / Kaizen
We always strive for our best. However, we will keep improving ourselves to provide better business experience and to provide more high quality products.
![](https://multibaja.com/image/catalog/Certificates/editted for webiste/THE AuthorizedDistributor_Certificate_for website.jpg)
![](https://multibaja.com/image/catalog/Certificates/editted for webiste/Sanko Authorized Distributor_pow.jpg)
"...fasteners which comprise approximately 3% of the total cost of an aircraft, would become such an issue"
"We're getting down to the point that every part, even a bolt, is important"
- Michael B. Bair, Boeing Vice President